Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Discussing the importance of partnerships in a child care setting

A practitioners job is not only to ensure the safety of the children and to plan structured day to day activities but also to ensure that various partnerships and created within the child care setting. â€Å"Professional relationships are absolutely vital to the smooth running of an early years setting.† Early Years Foundation Level 4, Unit 5 (Respecting each other) – Professional relationships page 69.Depending on the child care environment practitioners can work with one or two assistants depending on the age group and adult to child ratio. Maintaining a happy and trusted partnership within in a team in a classroom can then benefit ways the classroom run and undertake various tasks together.Knowing your teams strengths and having trust in each other not only encourages mirror behaviour with children in the child care setting but allows practitioners and assistants to develop further in current or new skills. â€Å"In order to build on your relationship with others it 's important that you respect and value your own strengths, skills and knowledge as well as recognising the contribution made by other.† Early Years Foundation Level 4 Unit 5 (Respecting each other) – Professional relationships page 69.For some children then partnership they create with a practitioner could be one of the main interactions they have with an adult through the day. i.e. focusing on child who spend alot of time with maids or nanny's.Having good partnerships with collegues allows a practitioner to establish a  good and effective working relationship to ensure that everyone works together as part of a team. This is to essentially benefit the children.As well as a good partnership with collegues adults need to interact well with children in the environment as well. Practitioners should involve children in decisions â€Å"Ask them what they would like to do, listen to their ideas and incorporate as many of these ideas as possible into your daily routine.â₠¬  Early Years Foundation Level 4 Unit 10 (Supporting every child) – Working together page 127. Incorporating a child's ideas help build a partnership, loyalty and trust between them and the practitioner. â€Å"By involving the children in all stages of planning you will ensure that they feel valued, that their opinions and ideas are relevant and, most importantly, you will ensure that the activities you provide are meaningful and interesting to the children.† Early Years Foundation Level 4 – Unit 10 (Supporting every child) – Working together page 127.A practitioner will try and create a secure attatchment between them and the children. Even with all the observation no-one will know a child better than their own parents. Creating a bond with parents is essential upon the first meeting. If a practitioner creates a relationship with a child's parents it can portray a sense of trust to the child. If parents have a positive attitude towards the practitioner , assistants and the child care setting this can only be a positive for the child to observe and therefore for the child to possibly mirror.A secure attatchment is essential in any child care setting however a practitioner needs to be able to reassure parents/carers that although their child may have a secure attatchment to a member in the class or have a key person. Their child will still always be encourages to socialise with friends, play independatly and generally become a member of the classroom as a whole. This is to ensure that parents dont start to panic that their child is becoming dependant on one key person.All children at any age specifically babies and early years children rely on the continuity of a special relationship between the practitioner and the child. They are the foundations of mental and physical development. Therefore practitioners should continuously ensure that every child feels loved, valued, cared for and thought about. â€Å"A part of the role of the e ffective practitioner is to bring together their commitments of respect and working with parents as partners, in order to reinforce positive relationships with all the children in their care.† Early Years Foundation Level 4 Unit 8 Key person ( Shared care) page 101.Working with a group of children and their parents it's important to acknowledge that every family is unique. This could depend on numerous things i.e culture, language barrier, nationality a child's upbringing and their personal environment.â€Å"Although practitioners may be experts in the field of children's learning and development they must remember that parents are experts on their own child.† (Unit 6, Repeating diversity, page 75)Effective communication is extremely essential in a child care setting with the children, the team of practitioners and also importantly the parents. Unfortunately there will be some things that parents miss out on when they entrust a practitioner to take care of their child. It's important to make them feel as involved in any activity or achievement their child may have been involved in.When language barriers occur or not being in contact with a parent. A practitioner needs to find another way of relaying information.Many child care settings use weekly communication books to pass on important information, or even if the child may have received a sticker to attach that in the communication book. According to the age of the child this could allow for the child to explain their personal achievement thus making it that more personal.Although communication diaries have advantages, it's important for a practitioner to keep balance with written communication and talking face to  face. Practitioners should try and retain any relationships they have with parents allowing them to feel a sense of comfort that you are flexible plus there as and when needed, for any type of discussion they may want to have, in case they have any questions or concerns. (REVISE)â₠¬ It is important for Early Years practitioners and parents to both realise the importance of learning from one another. Each holds vital information, knowledge and expertise which, if shared can contribute to and enhance a child's learning and development.† (Unit 6, learning together, page 82)Working with early years children a practitioner may not only work with assistants and parents / carers but practitioners may also work in partnership with other professionals.All children have various day to day home lives, it's paramount to try and adopt any routine to a child's (child) care setting where possible, creating this continuity will promote a child to feel safe, valued and secure.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Impacts of Total Productive Maintenance Essay

But there are some companies who have failed to gain advantage and some who are skeptic about its implementation. This leads us to know more about how TPM impacts different components of different organizations. This article focuses on some components such as overall effectiveness and cultural impacts of TPM on an organization. It concludes in building and maintaining a supportive culture and how overall effective helps in gaining a competitive edge over a long period of time. Any organization want to chase in world class competition must give customer satisfaction by providing reliable product or service on time at lower prize then others. One of the premises is that good maintenance and plant engineering process gives fundamental success in manufacturing (Hanson, 1995; Madu 2000). So the organization must reduce the unnecessary cost of time and material by reducing maintenance cost. And to reduce the maintenance cost is one of the reason to develop manufacturing technology like TPM (total productive maintenance). TPM is introduced by Seiici Nakajima in late 1970s in Japan, which made major influence over the economic progress of Japanese manufacturers (Willmott, 1994). TPM is basically a program to improve maintenance effectiveness of equipment throughout its life in the organization by the participation and motivation of all workforces from top management to the line employee from all department of an organization (Nakajima, 1988). The main goal of TPM to achieve maximum productivity with only limited investment in maintenance. This goal can be achieve by increase the overall equipment effectiveness(OEE) by reducing the losses, by improving existing maintenance system, by implementing autonomous maintenance and by increase a skill and motivation of operators from individual and group development (Willmott, 1994). And also by proper maintenance of equipment and facilities for best performance in order to reduce their life cycle cost. One of the properties of TPM is that production operators assist to repair the equipments when it is down and thus they share their effort in preventive maintenance and in turns improvement in process (Jostes & Helms. 994) In this term paper we focus on impacts of TPM. Many companies such Steelcase, Tennessee Eastman(Garwood, 1990), Nissan(Suzuki, 1993) adopted TPM are satisfied with the technique and find significant reduction in break down labor rates, lost of production, setup cost and cost per maintenance unit(Koelsch, 1993). TPM helps to planned and controlled the maintenan ce expanse(Adair-Heely, 1989) and reduction in maintenance force. For example a person who pays for preventive works are no more needed after implementing TPM, because TPM terns all activities of PM works to production forces. TPM gives opportunity to all individuals to express idea to improve the process and become a more familiar with tools and techniques to solve the problems and this effect directly to the capability of organization. TPM also helps to maintain consistency in quality of the product as well as reliability of product, the things that expect from the customer which interns helps to satisfy the customer. The basic aims of TPM is to double productivity and eliminate the loses, to create bright, clean and pleasant factory, to empower people and facilities and, through them, the organization itself (Wireman, 1991).

Motivation and Organisational Behavior

What is motivation? Motivation is define as the stimulus that drives, direct and maintaining the human behavior to reach goals (Wood et al. , 2006). In the context of workplace, motivation will be the one that drive the employee to perform and give more effort to contribute in the company or organization growth. Hence, it is crucial that manager keeps their employee or workers motivated. In this essay, one out of four content theories and one out of two process theory will be defined out and compared out. There are 2 types of motivation theory: Content and process theory. While content theory looks to factors within the individual and attempt to answer most of the â€Å"what† question in the context of motivation, process theory emphasize more on â€Å"how† does someone gets motivated. (Vincent Gabriel, 2003). A few theorists that have contributed to the few famous theories are Maslow, Herzberg, Atkinson, and McClelland (Vincent Gabriel, 2003). In theory, there is a continuous relationship between need (drive), tension, action and satisfaction (Reduction of drive). But in reality, it might be more complex than just those 4 actions. These are because: People’s needs are changing over time, and how people react to failure plays a part too. For example a failure to someone will demoralize him, and yet it might push another person to strive for to be better. Hence, their varying needs translated into varying actions of each individual. (Vincent Gabriel, 2003). One of the famous theories in terms of motivation is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory. In this theory, Abraham Maslow defined out human needs in 5 steps, with each lower step must be satisfied or fulfilled before advancing to the further steps. He identify higher order needs, such as self esteem and self actualization and lower order needs such as social, safety and physiological needs (wood et al, 2006). Maslow rank these needs up by assuming which needs are more important, hence the need to satisfy it before other needs can serve as motivators. (Wood et all, 2006). According to Maslow himself, once the lower needs have been satisfied, it will not serve as the motivator anymore (Udechukwu, 2009). For example, for a normal human, the most basic needs include food, water and a place to live. Once this eeds have been fulfilled, he will then move on to the next hierarchy: safety. To put it in rough term, he will then want to be able to continue to eat and drink, hence he will find a job and a source of income to do so. Once that is satisfied too, and then he will be able to move on to the next level, so on and so forth. Hence, as you can see, a person will continue to climb the â€Å"pyramid† until he reaches the top of the scale: self actualization. From here onward, he then will think on how to expand himself further, and start fulfilling other aspect of needs. As what have written previously, while content theory like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs explains out on what are the factors that motivate people, there’s process theory that explain on how does the motivator motivate people, or even, whether is the motivator effective or rather counter-productive instead? In this essay, for the process theory, we are going to look at Adam’s equity theory. Equity theory suggests that employee must develop a sense of fairness after comparing themselves against their peer or others. Huseman et al suggest that there are three types of individuals (Shore, 2004). They are: ‘Benevolents’, who are described as â€Å"giver†, who prefer to have given more input than output. There’s also ‘Entitleds’, who are the â€Å"getter†, who on the contrary to the â€Å"giver†, will feel discontent and unfair when their input is larger than their output, and finally, the third type of individual is the one that what Huseman called Equity Sensitives, who will adhere to the old equity theory and will just stick with the balance of input and output (Shore, 2004). With all the individuals defined, Equity theorist starts to predict that benevolent, entitled, and equity sensitives will respond differently to fairness in workplace. For example, benevolent (giver) will feel more satisfied when they feel that they are under-rewarded than when they were over-rewarded. On the contrary, Entitleds (taker), will feel unsatisfied when they were under-rewarded. On a field study done by Huseman, what have been found out about these 3 individuals is that, indeed that both entitleds and equity sensitives are behaving like what was predicted, but on the contrary of the expectation, enevolents do get more satisfied when they were over-reward (Shore, 2004). This strange phenomenon happened too on other studies by King et al (1993), Alien and White(2002), and also Sauley and Bedeian(2000). Even though all those studies have their own limitation, we can safely conclude that the benevolents are the most tolerant to the under-reward and also more satisfied than the other 2 types of individuals (Shore, 2004). To compare and contrast both the content and process theory mentioned above, we can rather say that they both must be practiced in the workplace instead of only choosing either one. As what have been mentioned earlier on, the content theory is only explain out the â€Å"what† factor of a human motivator. For this, Maslow basically theorized based on what does one needs that haven’t been fulfilled and arranging them up in a hierarchy order (Harris et al, 1993). Whereas process theory will be dwelling on the nature on how or what problem does human see and perceived and whether it will motivate them. To put it simply, what have been explained above about equity theory is that even with a reward, it may affect different individuals differently. Before we look into how a job design actually helps in motivating an employee in a company, let’s take a look on what actually is a job design and what are some of the characteristic first. A job design is basically a planning and specification of a job task so that the job are done like how we want it to be (Wood et al, 2006). Under the job design itself, there are four major areas that we will want to cover later on. Those four are: job simplification, job enlargement, job rotation, and job enrichment. To explain these four aspects better, let us examine a short and simple case of a pirate ship (Rao, 2010). In a pirate ship, there are a lot of jobs involved. It can be as small as normal pirate crew, to the extent until the captain of the ships. Different job have different scopes that need to be fulfilled. Now if we were to design a job in this ship, how will we be able to design it up then? A group of people in MBA have actually grouped them up into two categories: the star tasks and the guardian tasks. The star tasks job scope include target identification, command in the battle until the negotiation for alliance between fleet. Whereas, the guardian task job is rather more operational, such as allocating crews, solving conflicts, executing punishment, distributing loot evenly until the role of medic (Rao, 2010). The question is, is it really efficient then, to lump all those tasks into two groups only? Well, the answer is most probably quite obvious: No. In such setting of the pirate ship, it will be rather hard for one individuals to be able to have the skills to be the Great Star or Great guardian, since both of them require a totally different set of skills. What will happen is that with this kind of job design, it will discourage a crew member to apply for the position of the star or guardian position. In this case, we will want to use job simplification to analyze and solve this issue. Job simplification is meant to make someone excel in a job(wood et al, 2006), for example, a crew member of the ship will be task to do a specific job only (eg. Negotiating with other fleet). In the long term, the crew member will get better and better in that area of job. The strength of this job design approach, however, is its biggest weakness also. This is because, since that the job have been simplified, the crew member will get bored doing it again and again for so many years already. This is when we will want to other approach such as job enlargement, job enrichment and job rotation. Job enlargement involves combining two or more skills that were assigned to separate workers previously (Wood et al, 2006). The only difference between this and the job simplification is that now the worker are responsible over different areas and also have more jobs to do (eg. Negotiator can also be tasked to manage the navigation). The other approach that involves equipping the crew or worker with more skills is job rotation. This approach can be defined as working different tasks or in different position for a set of time (Kaymaz, 2010). This approach focus more on the flexibility of the worker, decreasing the monotony, supporting career development, enabling high level of adaptation, and also to decrease stress (Kaymaz, 2010). With all those advantage, the most obvious disadvantage will most probably that the crew or worker will spend too much time to adapt and learn different sets of skills. Last but not least is the job enrichment approach. This involves in adding responsibility to the worker, making their job is more in depth. (wood et al, 2006). With all those job design approach been defined out, it will then enable us to combine and come up with a set of approach that we can use so that our employee are motivated. An appropriate job design can always motivate the employee up if we identify out, each and every single needs of an employee. A new employee that recently joined the company will most probably want to fulfill his physiological needs; hence he will want to have the appropriate salary. If his performance is good most of the time, and the company wants to retain him, the company must takes in the account on whether he is â€Å"benevolents† type or the â€Å"entitleds† type to measure the tolerance level on deciding his pay. Once all of those approach has been made, company must also keep close look on the employee, so that they can react fast to apply other approach such as job enlargement or even to the extent of job enrichment and empowerment if the employees begun to show signals that they are not motivated anymore. And now, we have covered the content theory of Maslow, the Adam’s Equity theory for the process theory in the context of motivation theory, and we also have covered job design approach and how to apply it in the company and organization. Hence it will be pretty obvious, that to motivate people, we will want to know what’s the key motivator is the person, whether he will be motivated with the changes that have been made and also how can the company change to motivate him better.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Report - Research Paper Example The company targets young fun loving men and women. It also focuses towards people who love to travel. Gandys has very young target market. Customers of Grandys are generally very simple and believe in hanging around here and there. The organization has very modern target market. Customers of Grandys want comfortable and stylish products from the company. Young informal people are main targets for the company. People who believe in low cost, stylish products generally associate themselves with the brand. In 2013 Gandys did celebrity endorsement for their Tokyo Red product. Richard Branson founder of Virgin Atlantic and other staffs of the airline celebrated International Flip Flop day. All of them were wearing Tokyo Red. After this endorsement the product name was changed and new name of the product became Necker Red. The targeting strategy was very successful. Richard Branson is a very different business man. He is very much charismatic and informal in nature. Characteristics of the celebrity were very much suitable with the brand images of the company. People around the world have high respect for Richard Branson. Grandys intentionally selected him to influence large number of informal youth. Some customers do not like red colour. But celebrity like Richard Branson can easily break that mental barrier of customers. Over all the strategy was very successful and after that sale of the product increased a lot. The success of the strategy was very vast. Other products of the company a lso took benefit out of this celebrity endorsement strategy. Gandys Peacock Blue product can be repositioned with the help of a strategic collaboration with Serge Denimes. It is a London based fashion brand. It has very urban image in the market. Designs of the company are very creative and stylish. It will be a good combination of both creative rope style and urban design. It will create a refined image in the mind of urban customers.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Discuss Adorno's and the Frankfurt Sschools Concept that Celebrities Essay

Discuss Adorno's and the Frankfurt Sschools Concept that Celebrities Are One of the Means Through Twhich Capitalism Achieves it - Essay Example According to Boldrin and Levine (2002), â€Å"†¦countries are better off facilitating processes that are attractive to multinational companies and countries† (p. 212). Furthermore, the western culture has had the biggest influence on many other cultures in the world, to the angst or happiness of different people. The internet and the advent of computers have had a very big role to play in this spread of celebrity lifestyle. unlike in the past, with the click of the mouse, a fan can follow what their favorite celebrity is doing, what they eat, where they live and the minutest details of their lives. This, many people tend to imitate. This has led to many companies endorsing celebrities to market their products, banking on the fact that whatever the celebrities will be wearing, eating or be seen with will have the masses of their fans following suit, hence increase their sales. Needless to say, this does not come cheap, both to the endorsing companies and to the masses foll owing blindly. Social control is a phenomenon that is experienced by masses in the world, whether they are aware of it or not. It s described as the influence on individuals’ behaviors by institutions in the public through public opinion, social and religious organizations, use of force or violence, through appealing to people’s emotions and desires and also through use of leaders or celebrities in order to bring out certain reactions from the public in general. In the past, social control was a positive force that was meant to keep the fabric of society intact and keep evil and criminal activities at bay. However, with the media becoming more and more powerful, they have tapped into the idea of social control to influence people in order to gain monetary and other kinds of benefits, at the detriment of the whole society. This is seen through the influence caused by advertisements, TV and radio programs and wide coverage of celebrity lives, making masses desire the sam e kind and try to imitate this. Hui (2002) points out that â€Å"we found that, at least in the case of movies, the supply of creative work responded to economic incentives and consumer behavior† (p. 217.). The fact that the world has become largely capitalist is a factor that is stoking this flame. The result of this is mass deception, where the populations are made to believe that what they are seeing is the ideal of life and that they should strive to achieve these standards set by the media and celebrities. This is despite the fact that the lives celebrities live cost a fortune and cannot be achieved, at least in the short run, by most ordinary people. The result is that people have engaged in very destructive habits in order to buy into this deception. These habits include borrowing and using credit facilities beyond their means in order to get what the media has suggested, gambling, criminal activities, disregarding the old methods of working hard in order to achieve su ccess and instead depending too much on lotteries and wasting more money, amongst other socially deviant activities in order to feed their desires. According to The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception" Adorno and Horkheimer Frankfurt school, this is exactly what the media and the celebrity culture is using to deceive the masses. In their argument, Adorno and Horkhe

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Financial management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Financial management - Essay Example This is different from For-Profit organizations that source their funds from shareholders who are the real owners of these organizations. Organizational structure of NGO’s and For-Profit are a bit similar in the sense that both set of organizations are managed by boards of directors. Financial management entails the processes of budgeting, Taxation and corporate governance. NGO’s typically have financial budgets prepared over the period of the activities they are undertaking. On the other hand, For-Profit organizations have their financial budgets prepared for a period of one financial year. Governments levy taxes on all organizations for the purpose of implementing public project or service provision but with the exemption of NGO’s. According to Brigham (2010, 65), the main difference between NGO’s and For-Profit organizations is the objectives and goals of these organizations. NGO’s are set up to provide charitable goods or services to people with out need of making a profit. This major differentiating factor is the reason behind the differences in financial management practices between these organizations. Corporate governance is important in implementing integrity and management of organizational strategies. NGO’s are not particular in enforcing prudent corporate governance practices compared to For-Profit organizations. ... NGO’s are organizations which are not set out to make profits but instead they are meant to provide a service. This is opposed to profitable organizations which are meant to make profits. Organizational Structure The organizational structure of NGO’s is different from that of a profitable organization in that NGO’s are mandated to offer services compared to profit organizations which are meant to make profits. NGO’s are registered or mandated either by governments or special bodies to undertake projects or service delivery to different people. The major difference between NGO’s and profit organizations stems in the ownership structure of the two bodies. NGO’s are owned or operated by a board of directors or a steering committee in some cases; this board of directors is responsible for drawing up the financial strategies for the organization. The board of directors of an NGO are responsible for sourcing funds for the organization through diffe rent ways (Brigham 94). In some instances, some NGO’s have adopted the structure of a private company and used this structure to manage their financial operations. Most NGO’s source their funds from governments, churches and donations this is because these organizations act as governments and they only use their funds for capacity building. This is in contrast to profitable companies whereby ownership of these organizations belongs to some individuals. Profitable companies are owned by people known as shareholders; shareholders are responsible for funding the organization to undertake the goals and objectives of these organizations. Public owned organizations are profit organizations which comprise of a many owners in a company

Friday, July 26, 2019

Is the current law on murder still acceptable Assignment

Is the current law on murder still acceptable - Assignment Example It is more than any rule that is practiced or any law but it’s a complete process of legal frame work. England inherited the law of Wales, therefore when talking about the English Legal System we refer to Wales’s as well. The English Legal system is based on the common law where the judges can carry on the law themselves and the decisions from the previous cases and be made as a part of law. (Gillespie, 2007) The legal system of England and Wales is based on the common law legal system used I Republic of England and in most common wealth countries. United Kingdom is the member of the European Union, England and Wales are constituent countries of the UK. The essence of common law is that it is the judges sitting in courts applying the Law of England. 1.1 CRIMINAL LIABILITY OF A DEFENDENT ACCUSED OF MURDER As explained by Catherine Elliot and Frances Quin in the first chapter (Elliot & Quin, 2012) there are various elements necessary to prove the criminal liability of a m urder. A criminal offence is only possible when both â€Å"Actus reus† and â€Å"Mens rea† are conducted at a time. ... As stated in the English law that a person is innocent until proven guilty. ACTUS REAUS + MENS REA = CRIMINAL OFFENCE (the above diagram shows the elements of criminal offence) In the case of Woolmington v DPP (1935) the defendant had taken a gun to threat his wife (the victim of the case), that he would commit suicide if she didn’t return to him, accidently the gun went off and he was convicted of murder. Hence, it is concluded from this case that although he did it by accident but the murderer had done a criminal offence, with a guilty mind. (Roe D, 2005) 1.2 ACTUS REUS To begin with the study of any case, firstly it is necessary to prove the criminal offence. As talked about it earlier a criminal offence is a compound of both intention and action to commit the crime. Actus reus is the first element of a criminal offence. Briefly and in simple words it means intent, the intention to commit offence. The term is a Latin word meaning ‘the guilty act’. The literal m eaning explains that it is important that a physical action or movement takes place. In the case of R  v Cunningham  (1982), the victim was attacked by the defendant wrongly assuming that victim has sexual relation with his fiance. The defendant repeatedly hit the victim in his head, causing fracture and severe injuries resulting in death in a week. Although the defendant claimed that law of murder should be held to those who intent to do kill but unfortunately the decision was given against the defendant. 1.2.1 IMPORTANCE The concept of Actus reus has been derived from English common law. The principal of this concept is the application of both the elements of criminal offence to call it a criminal act. Any act that is carried on with the intention to harm anyone becomes a criminal act. In the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

To What Extent Does the State Protect the Rights of Children Essay

To What Extent Does the State Protect the Rights of Children - Essay Example For there is no hesitation that since its modern emergence as a social problem, child abuse has been subject to considerable media, public and political interest and discussion. It has been constructed as one of the major social problems of present times and perhaps the major priority for managers and practitioners in the child welfare field. Child protection work, by which we mean protection from the risk of abuse, has become too centred on the occurrence or not of an abusive event and the likelihood of its recurrence. Here one has to consider two scenarios. The first scenario is that in the former, policy and practice would be driven by an emphasis on partnership, participation, prevention, family support and a positive rethink of the purposes and uses of care. The main concern would be on helping parents and children in the community in a supportive way and would keep notions of policing, surveillance and coercive interventions to a minimum. In effect, Part III and Section 17 of the Act would drive policy and practice. The other scenario was that it would be priorities about child protection which would control in effect Part V and Section 47 in particular, and concerns about the threshold for state intervention based on 'significant harm and the likelihood of significant harm'. Not only are the family support aspirations and sections of the Act being implemented partially and not prioritised, but also the child protection system is overloaded and not coping with the increased demands made of it. While child protection is the dominating concern and this is framing child welfare more generally, increasingly it is felt that too many cases are being dragged into the child protection net and that as a consequence the few who might require such interventions are in danger of being missed. (Landsberg, 2001) Concerns about child protection have become all-pervasive to the point where childcare and child welfare policies and priorities have been fundamentally re-ordered and re-fashioned in its guise. What we are currently witnessing is a major debate about whether and how policy and practice can be reframed so that it is consistent with the original intentions of the Children Act 1989.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

4 articles about UK politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

4 articles about UK politics - Essay Example The safety of the population is put at risk as the politicians try to save the government money by keeping criminals out of jail and they try to win votes during election season, also by doing the same thing. The result of which, according to Bray, is a higher crime rate and a slap on the hand of the repeat offenders. Bray made it clear that he wanted the politicians to stop using the judicial system for their personal benefit. It was, he said, the job of the politicians to make sure that the prisons could hold the convicted so that they would be taken out of society for the benefit of the greater good. He also said that the police needed to step up and do their jobs. The statements made by Bray were contradicted by Justice Minister Jeremy Wright however. Justice Minister Wright explained that Bray made statements in error as the conviction rate for criminals has been on the rise since 2010 and the criminals were staying in prison longer than Bray indicated. He also dismissed claims of government and police interference in the sentencing of criminals. Coalition Spending Revealed: Crime Agencys  £336,573 Outlay on Mercedes Vans for Special Projects, a  £27,000 Parking Bill at Gatwick Airport and  £108,000 PR Spend Among Government Departments’ Public Accounts Oliver Wright of The Independence reports that a snapshot analysis of the government spending over the first 2 months of this year shows just how mismanaged the government finances are. Apparently, there have been a few questionable government project awarded to private contractors. Thanks to the government rules, these figures were made public because the amount of the contracts were all over the  £25,000 limit. As the report progressed, more and more disturbing disbursement of the public funds were found. These included the National Crime Agency payout to Mercedes Benz in the amount of  £336,573 for the

A Comparison between Walgreens and Wal-Mart Term Paper

A Comparison between Walgreens and Wal-Mart - Term Paper Example Both companies started off with core objectives of providing efficient services with regard to effective delivery of services in the drug retail sector. With time, both companies have grown to reputable companies with regard various service delivery practices related to the retailing industry. There exists a thin line with regard to the existence of service advantages of the services offered by both companies. Thus, in comparing and contrasting both companies, an individual requires the necessary content for effective realization of the service advantages. In addition, the employment of various analytic tools such as Porters’ 5 forces would provide the desired distinguishing edge. Founded by Charles R. Walgreen in 1901, Walgreens has grown to be one of the largest drug retailing companies in the U.S. according to its official website; the company currently boasts of over 8000 locations across the nation. This represents a significant expansion of the company from its headquart ers in Chicago, Illinois. Thus, the company provides services with regard to pharmacy, health and wellness. The company’s provision of these services is championed by the employment of various drugs stores and health service divisions in the country. Walgreens owes its origin to the establishment of small drug store in Chicago, Illinois in the early XX century. By the 1920s, the company’s stores had incurred a tremendous growth. ... Thus, according to the company’s official website, the company operates various departmental and warehouse stores around the world. The company has grown to be the leading retailer globally and the third largest public corporation. With more than 2 million employees around the world, the company boasts of the largest employee base in the in the globe. Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, Wal-Mart owes its origin to the discounting ventures of its founder, Sam Walton. Walton employed the use of various discounted stores in the promotion of increased sales. Thus, Walton opened his first discounted store in Arkansas in 1962 which represented the birth of Wal-Mart Company. The company has, thus, rapidly expanded to become one of the leading companies in the world with regard to the retail industry. Comparative Analysis of both Wal-Mart and Walgreens Both Wal-Mart and Walgreen companies have engaged in cut-throat competition practices with regard to the dominance of the drug ret ail industry. However, it is necessary to note that upon the inception of Wal-Mart in 1962, Walgreens had been in operation for over 50 years. Thus, in order to gain rapid market share and competitive advantage with regard to Walgreens, Wal-Mart had to employ strategic competitive measures. Thus, Wal-Mart employed strategy that was centered on improving livelihoods. Enhancing people’s lives, thus, formed Wal-Mart’s mission (Amendola, 2012). This was accomplished through helping people to save money. Sam, Wal-Mart’s founder, wanted to improve people’s lives by lowering the high cost of living. Through the establishment of various strategies in Wal-Mart, Sam succeeded in creating a suitable platform for

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The project life cycle Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The project life cycle - Assignment Example These phases form essential elements for understanding a project’s life cycle. Each phase includes a combination of similar activities. Phases are sequential where one has to complete before the next one begins and some activities into the early phase of a project will continue until project completion Project life cycle is of great interest because it is a current issue applied in businesses to achieve their goals and objectives especially achieving growth by launching new products/services. Companies that desire to compete in international markets understand the importance of increasing project life cycle management invention and quality of their products/services (Burke, 2013). Project management is an emergent field that gives companies leverage to create new products and gain a competitive advantage. On a personal level, I am interested in this topic because it offers an exciting career path and a way to use my creativity to solve organizational problems. Academic curiosity also influenced my interest because I like researching on new areas of study to increase my knowledge. The research conducted for this paper shows similarities with project life cycle key concepts learnt in in the module. For example, the definition of key concepts such as phases and project life cycle processes are similar. Issues discussed in the research articles used to develop this paper were very similar to those discussed in the module. As I did my research, I felt like I was revising the concepts that I learn t in class. For example, all articles explain the four phases of project life cycle precisely as they were explained in the module learning materials. According to Burke (2013), the importance of project management life cycle is to create seamless flow of work in ensuring the success of a firm (Burke, 2013). Another importance is that the process eliminates delays and wastage of resources. It also facilitates quality

Monday, July 22, 2019

Theories of Management Essay Example for Free

Theories of Management Essay Managers are responsible for many things in an organization and most of them handle various situations depending on their management style.   The major role of mangers is to get things done in the direction of their goals for the organization ( The management style on the other hand is the leadership method employed by a manger. There are four management styles commonly used by managers these are: directing, participating, delegating and guiding (http: The style that a manager will use determines whether the work gets done or not. Successful mangers have the capacity to use all the management styles on their group. The situation in which the group is in always determines the management style in which the manager uses to make his/her group achieve their objectives. However, there is a style that is dominant in a manger and it might be hereditary or acquired through education or experience. Most managers learn the management styles from the theories of management.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The 20th century has seen theories changing over time starting with bureaucracy and universalism of before 1920s, human relations of 1930s and motivation of 1950s. All these theories had one common thing and that is to make employers work whether through the use of authoritarian, participative, guiding and delegating and all had advantages and disadvantages and hence theorists are still finding the most effective one to be used by modern managers. Douglas McGregor proposes two theories, which emphasizes on employee motivation. He did not use description to identify but rather used symbols X and Y. These two theories suggest that the role of management is assembling the factors of production, which includes people, for the economic benefit of the organization (http: In this essay theory Y is discussed in detail and its implications analyzed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   McGregor in his theory Y believes that employees can only be motivated best by improving their self-esteem and self-actualization. He generalizes that work can be as natural as play or rest and believes that workers can be made to enjoy work as they enjoy play and rest. He also believes that if people become committed to their objectives they can direct themselves towards meeting these objectives and this assumptions is echoed by many managers who believe that if they make their group members committed they can perform their tasks with very minimal guidance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   McGregor further says that workers can be committed to their objectives if there are rewards such as higher pay or promotions. This is very time in many organizations and this has led many firms introduce the culture promotion by performance and hence employees always take their work very serious since they know that there are benefits in return. In fact, the reward system is a major motivation for many employees since it leads to self-fulfillment. He further beliefs that if employee are motivated they will definitely be responsible and responsibility will lead an organization to higher heights of development.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Theory Y assumes that there is an opportunity to align personal goals with organizational goals using the workers own aspirations for self-fulfillment as the motivator. McGregor further believes that some employees may be immature and therefore there is need for stricter rules, which should be relaxed gradually as they continue to mature and therefore theory Y encompasses autocratic as well as participative approaches in management. Management implications of theory Y.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Like all other theories of management used by mangers, theory Y has some demands from the organization in order to motivate the employees these are: Decentralization and delegation- for organization to motivate its employees it must devolve power to the employees and hence the managers will have subordinates who are directly responsible to the manager and the manager delegates some duties to them. The delegation of responsibility makes them confident and hence motivated. Job enlargement – this theory suggests that firms broadens the working area of an employee so that there is a variety of new opportunities and responsibility and this boosts the ego of employees and thus getting committed to company goals. Participative management – since theory Y believes that in a population there are many creative ideas, some organizations who employ this theory consult their employees before making decisions this makes the employees feel important and accepted and hence motivated. Performance appraisals – most organizations have set goals and struggle to achieve them. These organizations involve their employees in setting these goals and also involve them in evaluating of progress towards meeting the goals. Many managers echo McGregor views since it embraces a holistic approach the uses of different management styles depending on the state of the group. This theory Y is the basis of my management style since I believe that management is getting things done by others with or without your presence. By making the employees happy a manager will ease his/her work since they will direct themselves and perform the tasks allocated to them and only ask for guidance whenever they encounter a crisis. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Management unlike leadership depends on the culture of the institution and the perception and beliefs of the manager ( For one to succeed in managing a group he/she must be flexible according to the situation at hand. A manger must recognize the potentials of his/her employees and strive to tap their talent to the maximum in order to achieve their goals. By consulting and involving as well as delegating responsibilities to junior members managers will help motivate them since this builds the confidence of the employees. All the management theories and principles of the 20th century revolve around motivating employees in order to achieve the set goals. These theories further suggest that the style of management employed by most managers determine the degree of participation by the employees. Their style can either motivate or the employees or become a disincentive to them and hence management theories and management styles are synergistic. References Bono E. Hellers R. Management Theories Retrieved on 14th September 2007 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚    Davidmann M.2006 Style of Management and Leadership Retrieved on 14th September 2007 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   http:    McGregor D. 2007 Human Relations Contributors Theory X and Theory Y Retrieved on 14th September 2007 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Aspects of Family Law

Aspects of Family Law Children are the future and the care which is given to the welfare, education and protection of children is widely recognized as paying dividends in their later years. Children are one of the most vulnerable beings in our society and that is why the protection of the children are one of the most important rights to uphold in society. This assignment will critically discuss areas that uphold these rights such as the constitution regarding articles such as 41 and 42, legislation, various legal and social policies and children in the criminal justice system. This assignment will also include three recommendations about improving the position and welfare of children in the Irish society. CONSTITUTION The first area that upholds children rights is the Irish Constitution, Bunreacht na hEireann. This fundamental legal document sets out how Ireland should be governed and the rights of Irish citizens, (Constitution n.d). In the constitution, Article 41[1] refers to the family. This article gives the family rights, which outweigh any other rights. It is a special protection from the State to grant the ideal environment to raise a child, (Ferguson and Kenny 1995). The State protects and values the family but only as a unit. This unit refers to a married family, which concludes that this protection is only to a married family. The family unit in Ireland has autonomy over and above that of the individual members of the family, (Geoffrey 2003).   Once the parents are not married, the father has no constitutional rights to his child, (Nestor 2004). Article 41 enshrines the protection of the family from undue interference by the State and titled the balance institutionally towards the enchantment of parental rights and the minimum intervention end of the continuum, (Duncan 1993). Article 42[2] states that the very first people to educate a child are the parents. This is a duty that is imposed by the Constitution and in return for this duty, the custody and guardianship are guaranteed to the family. The State guardian of the common good also provides free education for the children. On the other hand, Article 42 is not all just about education. Article 42.5[3] concludes that when parents fail to look after and care correctly after their children, the State will step in and intervene. The precautions that will occur will be the State becoming the parent of the child or find substitute parents. The factors that allows the State to intervene range from child abuse, neglect and very serious cases. However the Constitution still did not define the rights of children as distinct from those of the Family, (Childrens Rights Alliance, Childrens Rights 2012). With this article, children were still seen as a possession or belonging and not an individual with rights. On the 10th November 2012, the people of Ireland held a referendum in order to change to text of Article 42.5. Article 42.5 was deleted and Article 42A was inserted, (Quinn 2012). The legislative perspective of this Act was about the childs best interest and since it was enacted children were granted the same fundamental and unenumerated rights as adults, (Childrens Rights Alliance, Childrens Rights 2012). This Act puts children first and sees a child not just as a belonging. In addition, Article 42A gives the child a choice to make their own decision but the views of the child shall be made certain of balance with regard to age and maturity of child. Before the referendum, there were some serious tragedies, one horrible case, in what most people until this day say, the children involved in this disaster were failed by everyone around them, even Judge Miriam Reynolds (RIP) agreed with this statement[4]. Mrs A, a mother of six children, was sentenced due to her conviction for incest, neglect and ill-treatment. The reason everyone had failed these children was the fact the Western Health Board had been involved since 1996, but the children had not been taken into care until 2004. Ms Laverne McGuiness, National Director of Integrated Services Directorate in the HSE commented on the situation, children let down badly by societyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.we can ensure in as far as possible, that no other child, as to face such an unspeakable tragedy ever again. Since horrible tragedies like this, the childs best interest will always be put first, from this ever happening again. Article 42A is there in the constitution to specifically protect children from these horrible situations they happen to be in. The Constitution is the fundamental law of State. The Constitution constructs the intercommunication between the State and adults, including children and gives the direction to the Oireachtas and Courts on how to balance each of their interests and rights. Article 42A takes into consideration the vulnerable situation of a child, in that they are largely dependent on adults for their care and are often powerless to justify and uphold their own rights. The Constitution was amended so that family and the child can be separated and that the childs life and rights are mirrored to the parents. Furthermore, it was amended to put in place for a more efficient child protection system, (Childrens Rights Alliance, Childrens Rights 2012). On behalf of the child, 42A is a constitutional development for the protection of children and with hope, no more cases such as the Roscommon Child Care Case will happen again. A recommendation about improving the childs safety and welfare in Irish society will start with amending our Constitution. The Constitution, regarding the child has now improved but there is still one section, which needs developing: Article 41 concerning the Family. Article 41 does not recognized an unmarried couple with a child as a family, (Nestor 2004). This is a grave problem, as unmarried parents are not considered a family. Article 41 does not protect unmarried couples as it does with married couples. This gives problems with the constitutional rights and there will be a problem to intervene. The father also has no custody or guardianship to this child, if he and the mother are not married, unless he applies for the guardianship. This is very unfair, outdated and should be changed. It should be changed for the childs safety and welfare as it is not the childs concern if their parents are married or unmarried. LEGISLATION. The Child Care Act 1991 is a primary piece of legislation, which safeguards a childs health and safety[5]. It regulates all child protection and it imposes a positive mandatory obligation on the HSE to promote the welfare of a child in its area who are not receiving adequate care and protection (Ireland, Department of Children and Youth Affairs, 2010). The Child Care Act 1991 (which I will state 1991 Act for the remainder of this assignment), is an acknowledgment to Article 42.5 to specify the rights and provide the needs for children. It is a clear recognition of states obligations with respect to the protection of children at risk, (Ferguson and Kenny 1995). (Nestor 2004) The legislative prospective of the courts will always be in the childs best interest. [1] Article 41 °. [2] Article 42 °. [3] Article 42.5 °. [4] Roscommon Child Care Case. [5] Child Care Act 1991.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Analysing Of The Riba Work Stages

Analysing Of The Riba Work Stages On each of the initial work stages of a project the architect is involved in many ways and uses many skills. Before the architect begins any work they must be appointed under the RIBA concise conditions agreement or SW 99. The following is a brief outline of what an architect does in a RIBA standard agreement between architect and client. The first two RIBA work stages come under term Preparation in the RIBA, Outline Plan of Work 2007. The first stage is stage A, Appraisal; this mainly involves establishing the needs of the client. Three main tasks are carried out. Throughout the initial stages of the project constant communication between the architect and client takes place. Firstly, the architect must carry out studies to determine the feasibility of the Clients requirements. The architect may also review the alternative design and construction approaches and the cost implications of each with the client. At this stage the architect may also provide information for reports on the cost implications. During stage B (Design Brief) the initial Statement of Requirements is developed into the Design Brief. Although this is the responsibility of the client the architect often contributes to its development additionally. Stages C, D and E come under the heading Design. This begins with Stage C (Concept), where the architect would usually be required to prepare outline proposals for things, such as, the building structure and building services. The architects also develop concept designs for project. Throughout this stage the architect will be leasing with other members of the team, such as, engineers, quantity surveyors and planning supervisors. This communication helps the architect to provide the client with information on approximate construction costs and cost planning which must then be assessed by the client in the stage report. Stage D (Design Development) involves the completion of the project brief and the further development of the concept designs. At this stage a cost estimate, or information for a cost estimate, must be provided and the architect will be working closely with statutory planning authorities, for instance, local planning departments. The architect must also prepare a detailed planning application, including drawings and an Access and Design Statement. At the end of stage D the architect must obtain signed approval by the client of a stage D report (this is broadly outlined in Task 3). The Shirebrook Academy has just seen the completion of this stage and has now been submitted to planning. b) Involvement by the architectural technologist in the science and technology of the building, rather than the creative and artistic side, is the main difference between the work of the architect and the architectural technologist. Many of the tasks undertaken overlap with the work of the architect and a strong collaboration exists. For example, when working on stages C and D both architect and architectural technologist may work together on developing the project brief and design programme, each contributing specific skills to the project. The architectural technologist may contribute by evaluating and advising upon environmental strategies and material specification, while the architect may work on spatial relationships and movement path diagrams. c) CIAT is a non-profit organization which aims to further the profession and the interests of people working within it. Being a member of CIAT gives many benefits. Firstly, CIAT is the only professional and chartered body that represents architectural technologists and technicians. The different grades of membership/qualification represent a persons competence in an area and this is recognised across the industry. As a student the main benefits of membership may be though the prospect of increased career opportunities. Potential employers recognise the body and that you have a professional attitude and commitment to developing. Membership also brings more direct benefits to a student, such as the vast access to current up to date information on policies and practices. This is available digitally online or though seminars and lectures. For instance, if up to date information on a certain material is needed for the Shirebrook school project, being a member of CIAT would give access to information sheets and technical guidance on the material. Being a member also provides the opportunity to network with other members allowing knowledge to be shared. Other benefits of membership include several free gifts and discounts. Members get free subscriptions to the Building Products magazine and discounts on other magazines and books, such as, the Architects Journal and books at the RIBA bookshop. Membership allows you to apply for scholarships and awards run by the body, in particular the Student Award for Technical Excellence in Architectural Technology, which again helps to show your ability to employers. Finally, as a member free professional indemnity insurance and legal support are available to you if needed. Few reasons for not joining CIAT exist so I would strongly advise you to join. The only perceivable drawback is the membership fee, although as a student this would not apply to you. Task 3 a) There are many reasons why the design team have chosen to procure much of the Shirebrook project off-site. Several drivers for change have made prefabrication the best choice. The political driver for off-site construction can be traced back to two documents published in1994 and 1998: Constructing the Team by Sir Michael Latham and Rethinking Construction by Sir John Egan. These reports were designed to drive the industry forward. The Latham report suggested partnering (between suppliers and clients) and both reports suggest that prefabrication can offer greater on-site quality and efficiency and less time spent on site. Other driving forces towards off-site construction are the shortage of skilled onsite workers and more rigorous building regulations being put in place. Using off-site construction techniques can also has a more direct impact on the project in terms of cost savings and quality improvements. Firstly, costs can be cut due to the several factors. The nature of off-site construction means than building can be erected quickly on site. This means that skilled workers spend less time on site, so do not need to be paid for long time periods. Secondly, off-site construction can lead to less wastage of materials because more components can be ordered and cut to size, thus, reducing cost of materials as well as the embodied carbon in the building. Spending less time on site also means that the risk of accidents occurring is reduced. Quality and performance of the construction can be improved greatly as manufacturing components in factories means that they can be precision machined to high levels of accuracy within a controlled climate. Consequently, less of the construction process is subject to the risks associated with adverse weather which can lead to less defects and a greater quality finished product. With the use of off-site prefabrication the building regulations for such things as thermal and acoustic performance can be met more easily; a good example of this is SIPs panels. In conclusion, both the Latham and Egan reports suggest off-site manufacture and the associated benefits of cost-effectiveness, safety and speed are the main reasons why the Shirebrook School is being procured in this way. Also, the current government BSF (Building Schools for the Future) initiative aims to replace or rebuild all secondary schools in England by 2020; this means that projects need to follow fast routs of procurement. The Shirebrook School will hopefully reach completion on time (aim for doors open to students in Sept 2010). This will be made more achievable through the use of off-site construction and prefabrication methods. b) The main drawbacks of off-site construction involve transport and logistics: with transport being one area where prefabricated buildings are frequently criticised. Large units need to be transported usually by road this means more fuel is used contributing to greater emissions. The use and size of prefabricated components is also limited by the condition of the site transport and access. The maximum width for an unaccompanied load in the UK is 2.9 m (this can be increased to 4.3 m with a police escort). BRE output 209291 Another drawback of off-site construction may be the longer lead in time for design and manufacture which may be required as a consequence of the involvement of additional parties. Effective coordination of component manufacture lines is required. If one component is late then there is a knock on effect on the whole construction time. Also, on conventional sites substituting a product is not usually a problems, whereas, substituting or changing materials and products during the design of a building procured off-site may create problems in the factory. Some aesthetic limitations do exist especially in modular off-site construction techniques, however, in my opinion the benefits of off-site construction far outweigh the drawbacks. Task 4 a) The main reason for work stage reports are because they provide an effective means of managing the project and maintaining control of the project. At the end of each of the RIBA work stage a reports is submitted to the client. Work stage reports combine information from different groups into one document. This allows the client to monitor the performance and progress of the entire project on a regular basis. After each stage the client can then give approval so that the project can continue to the next stage: usually by signing off the work stage report, particularly at stages D and E. The initial work stage reports help by stating clear objectives of the project. Work stage reports can be used to identify changes to the project or project brief and allow subsequent changes and action to be taken. They allow clients to see things such as the resources and finance required to complete the project. For example at the end of each stage reports on costs can be analysed by the client to check the project remains viable and affordable. The report ensures that the design meets the needs of the client. The work stage system allows progression of the project. After each stage a new set of objectives or instructions can be laid out by the client for the following stage if required. Work stage reports may also be useful as they can be used to fulfil legal and authoritative obligations. For example, they can be used in the event of legal problems to show that proper procedures have been followed at each stage. Reports also ensure that safety procedures are followed and recorded and ensure that projects meet the required safety standards and requirements. In addition, work stage reports provide a comprehensive documentation of the construction process from start to finish. A work stage report at the end of stage D can be used to help obtain planning permission by submission to the relevant planning board. At the conclusion of Stage D, the satisfied client must sign off the Design and the Project Brief. After stage D any changes made by the client will mean additional expenses. b) Contents of Stage D report: The following Stage D report outline contents page shows outputs associated with the Architects office. The report would usually also contain information from structural, electrical, environmental and mechanical engineers (depending on the design). 1. Finalised Project Brief developed from the Strategic Brief 2. Detailed Proposals Design intentions Site layout Planning and spatial arrangements Build and construction information Environmental systems information 2.6 Environmental impact assessment Schedule of Accommodation, showing areas, gross areas and percentages Outline Specifications Risk Assessment 6. Full Planning application, application for listed building consent or application for conservation area consent, including: 6.1. Prototypes mock-ups and model images, in context with site 6.2. Development proposals (drawings at 1:200 for Comprehensive Design Project) 6.3 Design and Access Statement 6.4 Developments and changes to existing buildings 7. A full set of project drawings. (The scope of which is shown below). 8. Cost information Projected cost estimate An elemental cost plan Firm cost plan c) Accompanying drawing for stage D (all scales will depend on the nature and size of the project) Flow diagrams showing layouts and relationships. (Varying scales depending on nature of drawing up to around 1:50) Site plan, showing hard and soft landscaping (1:500 for Shirebrook School Development) All building floor plans in context with the surrounding landscape and buildings. (Scale 1:200 for Shirebrook School Development). All key elevations in context with the surrounding landscape and buildings. (Scale 1:200 for Shirebrook School Development). Key Sections, annotated and showing materials and integration of services and systems (1:200 and 1:100 for Shirebrook School Development but up to 1:50 depending on nature of the drawing)

NJROTC purpose :: essays research papers

The NJROTC, or Naval Junior Recruit Officer Training Corpse, is built not only to teach high school students about the navy but also allows student to become our great leaders of the future. In NJROTC cadets are asked to live up to very high standards because those students in NJROTC are thought of as the best of the best and are at that school to represent the military way of life. In this program I have learned three traits that will help me better myself not only in the future but in the day I live today. These traits that I speak of are discipline, punctuality, and respect. If not for NJROTC I would have not been as great a person and would have little or no direction in my life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the most important things that most cadets learn in NJROTC is to be well disciplined. Without the discipline instilled in every cadet, there would be total chaos and anarchy. Discipline helps us to march, to be able to sit down and do our homework when it needs to be done, and to keep our mouths shut when someone else has the floor. Because of the two years that I have completed of NJROTC, I have developed discipline because the instructors and the other cadets have pounded it into my brain like a square block going into a round hole, but this time it got through. In the future I will need discipline to not only get a job but also keep it. If, in the future, I do not have the discipline to stay with a single job, my life will never amount to anything. Even though discipline is a large subject, the first thing about being disciplined is being punctual.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Punctuality is another thing that I have learned in NJROTC, but with much hard work did I learn this. We all know that we slip up sometimes and slag around from class to class. Because of this we make ourselves late sometimes, and no one wants to get a tardy, so our instructors offer a healthy alternative. If you are late to class then you have the option of doing push-ups or getting a tardy, now witch would you rather do? Not only does this punishment instill punctuality, but if you are hard headed you can build up incredible upper body strength. Being punctual to a job will allow me to keep it and also impress my bosses.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Biography of Pele Essay -- History

Biography of Pele Edson Arantes do Nascimento, more widely admired by the world as "Pelà ©", was born on October 23, 1940, in a small village in Brasil called Trà ªs Coraà §Ãƒ µes in the Brasilian state of Minas Gerais. He was baptized in the municipal church called Igreja da Sagrada Famà ­lia de Jesus, Maria e Josà ©. His father, Joà £o Ramos do Nascimento, or Dondinho, as he was known in the soccer world, was also a professional player. He was well-known as one of the best-heading players in his time. He was a center forward for Fluminense until an injury kept him from playing professional division one soccer. His mother Celeste gave Pelà © and the rest of his family attention to their needs and a lot of love. When he was a child, Pelà © and his family moved to Baurà º, in the interior of the Brasilian state of Sà £o Paulo, where he learned to master the art of futebol. One day he himself confessed that he "tinha trà ªs coraà §Ãƒ µes [had three hearts]", referring to the city where he wa s born, Trà ªs Coraà §Ãƒ µes, and to Baurà º and Santos. Pelà ©'s Career Pelà ©'s first job was shining shoes. But he had always dreamed of playing soccer. Pelà ©'s soccer career started early. After playing in a few amateur teams like Baquinho and Sete Setembro, at the age of 11, while playing for an uncoached team called Ameriquinha, he was discovered by a former Brasilian World Cup player named Waldemar de Brito. De Brito recognized Pelà ©'s skills and invited him to join the team he was organizing (Clube Atlà ©tico Baurà º?). When Pelà © was fifteen, in 1956, de Brito took him to the city of Sà £o Paulo to try out for the professional club called Santos Futebol Clube (SFC). That day, de Brito told the team directors that "This boy will be the greatest soccer player in the world." Pelà ©'s first show came on September 7, 1956, when he played in place of the center forward Del Vecchio. He came into the game to score the sixth of the seven goals in the 7-1 Santos victory. He scored his goal on the 36th minute, in a play between Raimundinho and Tite. The ball was given to Pelà © in the box, and even though he was surrounded by defenders, he shot on goal and the ball went under goalkeeper Zaluar's body. Zaluar became famous as the first goalkeeper to take a goal from the great Pelà ©. From there, the trip to the summit was fast. In his first league game with Santos, he scored four goals. The next season, he was a re... goals in one game against Botafogo of Rio de Janeiro. On November 19, 1969, he scored his famous 1,000th goal from a penalty kick on the 34th minute of the game against Vasco da Gama and dedicated it "...para as criancinhas pobres do Brasil...." (to the poor little children of Brasil) and to the elderly and suffering peoples of Brasil. Pelà © also participated in what is known to be the "Golden Age" of the Libertadores Cup from 1960 to 1963, during which the great Uruguayan team Peà ±arol faced the legendary Santos for the final games. Peà ±arol won in 1960 and 61, while Santos took the championship the other two years. Pelà © defined the role of the playmaker/midfielder type. He led some of the greatest Brasilian players of all time - Vavà ¡, Didi, Garrincha, and others. Many said Pelà © would have been the best in any position he played. Pelà © once insisted to the manager of Santos that he play goalkeeper. On January 19, 1964, he substituted Santos goalkeepr Gilmar, who had been ejected, in the semi-final game of the Brasil Cup. For five minutes, after scoring three goals, Pelà © played with the number one jersey and made two spectacular saves that saved Santos the spot in the finals.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Classical vs Baroque Era Music

Baroque PeriodMusical texture during the Baroque period was also polyphonic and/or homophonic. Composers used melodic patterns to evoke certain moods. The use of text depiction continued. Rhythmic and melodic patterns are repeated throughout the composition. With the addition of instruments and the development of certain musical techniques such as basso continuo, music during the Baroque period became more intriguing.Composers during this period were more open to experimentation and improvisation. Major and minor scales and chords were used during this time. Baroque music has unity of mood throughout the composition. Rhythm is also more constant. Rhythmic and melodic patterns tend to be repeated, although beats are more pronounced and there are also pitch changes within a composition. Even the dynamics tends to stay the same for most of the piece, but sometimes there is also an alternation of dynamics.Classical PeriodThe themes within a movement of a Classical composition have more c ontrast of mood and it can change either gradually or suddenly. The rhythm is more flexible and there are at times sudden pauses and changes in beats. Music is more melodic and often homophonic. A change in dynamics is gradual. The piano became a popular instrument during this period and composers showcased the instruments’ capabilities. This period also signaled the end of the basso continuo. Instrumental compositions usually had 4 movements and each movement may consist of 1 to 4 themes.SimilaritiesIn both the Baroque and Classical periods, composers were strongly tied to, connected to, and employed by the court of a Royal or Noble family of some sort, or a church. Mozart was employed by the Emperor of Austria, and Bach was employed by several different chapels in his lifetime. These wealthy patrons, establishments or families usually provided  for the composers welfare and lifestyle.Baroque and Classical music both share basic functional harmony that is not very adventur ous in modulation, however, the mid to late Classic period begins to show signs of harmonic exploration to a wider degree. Some Baroque progressions are not commonly found in Classical music, however.Forms of the Baroque laid ground for many periods to come. Techniques and styles were not forgotten as the Classical period came to noticeable rise around the death of Bach. Composers still wrote famous and striking operas, concertos, masses, and sonatas Aspects of Classical era opera are: all of the words are sung, the style of singing must be powerful enough to project the words and music throughout the opera house, words are often not in English, and the plots of operas are usually shortened, because more time is required to express a thought in music than simply speaking.Also, Classical opera requires the suspension of realities that affect any drama. For example, a change of scene most likely means that a large amount of time has passed between these two scenes within the opera. Th e purpose of Classical opera is not to imitate reality, but rather heighten it to a degree that is not bound by logic. It appeals to the imagination of the audienceThe music of an opera consists of recitatives, arias, and choruses. The chorus usually participates on stage from behind the main characters.Several traditions exist about the type of voices and the characters portrayed. The heroine and hero usually a soprano and tenor, and the villain or authority figure is often a bass.Two types of operas were important during the Classical period: opera seria and opera buffa. Opera seria was the traditional tragic opera that often featured stories about ancient Greek and Roman heros and gods. Opera buffa (comic opera) was filled with fun and frivolity. It was written in  vernacular languages, and used humorous dialogue and sometimes included popular tunes.Homophonic texture was mostly used, with only occasional counterpoint. New forms developed for individual movements: sonata-allegr o, theme and variations, rondo, and minuet and trio.Niccolà ² Piccinni, Christoph Willibald Gluck, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart were three well known opera composers during the early Classical era. Famous pieces that they wrote included: La buona figliuola, Orfeo ed Euridice, and La finta giardiniera, respectively.

Imagery in Johnny Got His Gun and Cry, the Beloved Country Essay

We all have wished to diverseness something in our lives. Everything would be perfect if we could control what happens in the world. However, we k presently that life offers us no choice exclusively to accept exchanges that betide in life. Therefore, we grieve at low down locomote but rejoice great transformations. Trumbo and Paton expeditiously depict changes that their main characters encounter in life. Trumbo and Paton subprogram tomography to immortalise confirming and negative changes by means ofout the lives of their main characters.Trumbo uses imaginativeness to acquaint Joes pleasant chivalric life. For example, Joe fingers loved when he prototypes the ride that was his Christmas act and his mother who is laughing like a girl and his dad who is grinning in his slow wrinkly way (11). The sledgehammer symbolizes familial love not unless because it is letn to Joe from his parents but in addition because the sled allows the family to miss loving metre as a whole, making memories. Joe further remembers the time he spent with his family when he thinks around his mothers rolls that were steaming risque and melted when you upchuck butter at bottom them (16). Trumbo highlights not only Joes office to smell and taste but also Joes emotional pleasure associated with manduction his favorite foods with the people he loves.Furthermore, we perk up that Joe is soci adapted and lively as a boy when he got into his heavy turn and his mackinaw and his boots and his sheepskin gloves and went out with the p disgustedow of the kids into the s outright (18). In his childhood, Joe is like either other ambitious boy who enjoys tempera handst and social time even through the harsh and numbing c superannuated. In addition, Joe feels current by society during his time in Shale City, the prettiest townsfolk in the world to him with a pale blue sky and with astir(p cherryicate) a million stars shining (51). Joe is able to call Shale City home be cause he is comfortable with the people and the activities in this town. His friends and the towns beautiful physical aspects affect Joe feel like a single-valued function of the town, like he belongs there. by dint of imagery, Trumbo allows the contributor to gain a decreed eyes calefactory of Joes past.In wrinkle, Trumbo uses imagery to give an uncomfortable and negative view of Joes present life. For instance, Joe paradoxically describes his unconsciousness to be a kind of fear to date not like any mine run fear. It was more of a panic it was the afraid(predicate) dread of losing yourself even from yourself (127). Unlike his past, Joe is forever in fear because he has no boundaries to help him differentiate his dreams from real thoughts Joe feels that he can no long-life depose his own mind. Furthermore, Joe wishes Kareen to be the unknown visitant be military position him until just as he could feel the touch of her hand his delight morose suddenly to shame because unlike superannuated times, Joe no semipermanent feels confident some his body (157).His physical aspects weaken his potency with the thought of Kareen looking down upon his weaken body, Joe feels humiliation and embarrassment. Unlike his past, Joe would not spend time with his loved ones even if he were given a chance because his self-complacency would prevent him. Furthermore, after the nurse taps Merry Christmas to him, Joe try outd the sound of sleigh bells and the crunch of snow and there were wreaths of holly with red berries nestling like hot coals against them in his mind, contrasting his past days of Christmas where he is physically able to celebrate (200).Trumbo uses a simile to portray the fresh memories of Christmas in Joes mind that are now Joes only keepsakes for internally celebrating the holiday. Finally, Joe falls into desperation when he could almost hear the wail of pain that went up from his marrow after his hopes are rejected by the doctors (235). Trumbo uses personification of a liveliness that wails to contrast the feeling of acceptance Joe felt in Shale City to the sense of betrayal Joe now feels from the doctors and society. Although Joe has put forth his whole heart and effort into his tapping, society has rejected him. through imagery, Trumbo allows us to see the changes in Joes present lifestyle from that of the past.Similarly, Paton uses imagery to portray transformations in the characters that Stephen Kumalo loves. For example, when Stephen meets Gertrude in Johannesburg, he notices that the articulation that was once so sweet has a refreshed timbre in it, the quality of the laughter that he heard in the house because Gertrude has transformed into a new being (60). The laughter Stephen refers to is shameful, so he relates the laugh to Gertrude because she is no longer an innocuous and respectful being. Like Gertrude, backside Kumalo transforms but into a man that is ravenous for provide thus, Stephen notices that h e sat with his hands on his knees like a caput (65).Paton uses a simile to compare flush toilet to a chief because John is no longer a quiet man who follows usance or someone elses verify John is like a chief because he now takes his own leaders to speak his ideas. Stephen also sees that there was a change in Johns voice, that it became louder like the voice of a atomic number 29 or a lion because John has an air of authority and demand in his voice (67).Paton uses simile to portray Johns voice as right on as that of a bull or a lion. Furthermore, when Stephen finally sees Absalom in Johannesburg, he observes the boys sinful change as he twists his head from side to side, as though the loose dress is too tight for him (130). What greatly disturbs Stephen is the accompaniment that Absalom does not even have a justifiable reason for his murder, merely quivering his head when Stephen questions him. Like Gertrude and John, Absalom has diverted from traditional values and thus g rieves Stephen. Paton uses imagery to show negative changes in major characters of Stephen Kumalos life.Paton also uses imagery to show changes in both Johannesburg and Nodtsheni. For example, Kumalo notices how the grass had disappeared and how the maize grew still to the height of a man and grieves everywhere his gradually debilitating town (52). Kumalo feels despair because he merely observes Ndotsheni growing ill without being able to help it. Furthermore, Kumalo feels emotionally stronger when he observes the natives boycotting the buses, fountaining to walk early on in the morning with a gaminess of food, and their eyes are hardly closed on the pillow before they essential stand up again, sometimes to start off with nothing but hot water in their stomachs (74).The sight of the natives functional laboriously for justice gives Kumalo hope in Johannesburg, a city filled with myth ideas that contrast his traditional beliefs in Ndotsheni. Furthermore, after Jarvis comes to Ndotsheni, the town starts to make progress the men no longer plough up and down but throw up walls of farming, and plough round the hills, so that the handle look no longer as they used to look in the old days of ploughing (299).Jarvis young dissenter teaches the men of Ndotsheni ways to preserve the earth and rebuild the town Jarvis brings a positive change to Ndotsheni. In addition, Stephen shows his emotional change towards Jarvis, taking a cypress set-back and making it into a ring, and tied it so it could not spring apart and put the flowers of the weld, such as grew in the bleakness of the valley (298). This wreath symbolizes Stephens gratitude towards Jarvis Stephens guilt and pride no longer prevent him from accepting Jarvis warm offerings of help. Through imagery, Paton portrays changing aspects in Ndotsheni and Johannesburg.Through imagery, Trumbo and Paton successfully express the physical and emotional changes throughout Joe and Stephen Kumalos life. However, Trum bo is more efficient than Paton because his imagery contains more vibrant descriptions to help the contributor feel the gravity of Joes changes. Trumbo gives the lecturer a more vibrant picture of Joes life through the use of powerful similes and personification. Trumbos imagery of the changes in Joes life reminds us of our weakness to control our own lives.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 18

As short as Id taken every last fine and accepted every last dollar, I slipped into the camp out behind an oerweight bit clutching a sweaty pickle of Confeder have notes in each fist. The air was mystifying with the stench of sweat, sawdust, and, of course, short letter.People were milling somewhat us, give extra money to gawk at the Strongman and the Tattooed Lady, in whole of whom were hidden behind thick black curtains at various intervals along the perimeter of the tent. But the volume of the host was clamoring most Jasper. Large wagers were be placed, with lots of shouting and business deal signals and stacks of soapy notes being passed back and forth. Jasper glee intacty chomped on his miry cigar and laughed.Sailors yanked foreign bills from their billf olds. A few teenagers pooled their coins. Well-dressed manpower in ties waved gold coins.Fight, fight, fight one bolshie- cased man began yelling. Instantly, the people standing by him began to chant as well. Three well-dressed women, their hair in curls atop their heads, glanced at each other, giggled, and echoed the cheer, their alto voices contrasting with the mens baritone ones.G tout ensembleagher strode into the tent, his lecture tapping a path through the sawdust. People move and craned their necks to catch a glimpse of him in the genus Circus tent, he was rightful(prenominal) as much an drawing card as the freaks. After all, this was the man whod caught a vampire.Be strong, brother, I whispered infra my breath, remembering all the ages Damon had won fights back in clandestine Falls. Damon had never provoked those battles but had al ports been a good fighter, always landing a thrust fast when a fight broke out. Thats why hed been so respected in the offshooty. But straightway, in a battle against a passel social king of beasts, particularly after not feeding for days I shuddered.Brother? I whispered tentatively, at a decibel I knew only his ears could detect. I was hoping for approximately sort of reply, nevertheless though I wasnt trusted whether he could direct actually heard me. If he did, he said nothing in response.And now, allows asseverate our fighters Gallaghers voice broke through my reverie. Two tool handlers, their manpower in leather gloves and wearing boots that came up past their knees, walked into the ring, leading a mangy flowerpot social social social lion. The pot lion had a grayish- sensationalisticish coat and yellow teeth, and, despite its lean body, looked brutal. And hungry. As if on cue, it uttered a roar.In one end of your ring, you have the mountain lion. But this is no ordinary cat. This wildcat is the Alberta Avenger He came down from Canada to find the huntsman that shoot downed his mate. He eviscerated the hunter, his wife, and all of his children except the youngest, whose legs the lion ate originally leaving the rest of him alive to identify the story. Since past, you have followed the mount ain lion in the newspapers as it has feasted its way on innocents in the Union and fusion without prejudice. Tonight, it is here only after we captured it trying to pack away on a boat retract for the Andes Mountains in South America. The mountain lion, ladies and gentlemen Gallagher yelled, his showmanship on full display.The crowd dutifully applauded enthusiastically, and some even cheered.Its thwarter is a legendary vampire that has been terrifying children and their parents for centuries. Viktor the feral was born in 1589 and was heir to the Hapsburg Empire until he first tasted bloodhis sistersand began a three-hundred-year feeding hysteria that has left field a trail of drained bodies around the world. At an estimated two victims per day, this brings Viktors kills to one and a one-half million people, more than double the size of Italy. This unstoppable lust for blood continues tonight.The applause was more neuronal now, but the cheers were louder.Gallagher spread his h ands apart with a flourish, and Damon came into the ring, surrounded by four handlers. His hands and feet were in chains, and his casing was partially hidden by a muzzle. His skin was bleeding from the vervain, his eyes were blood scene, and the expression on his face was one Id never seen.I could derive the hatred he feltI was struggle every instinct I had not to kill the people holding him captive. But his imprisonment had changed him. Damon had called me a cold-blooded killer. The look in Damons eyes was not one of sport, or survival of the fittest. It was pure bloodlust.A hush up filled the tent. The mountain lion strained at his chains, but Damon simply stood in his corner of the ring, as if unaware of what the imminent future held for him.And go Gallagher yelled. Immediately, the handlers unlocked Damons chains and opened the iron door of the mountain lions cage, accordingly ran off the stage. The lion jumped toward Damon, making butt with his chest. Damon let out an a nguished utter and cast backward. Then, just as quickly, he rose to his feet and roared, his face suddenly flushed, his fangs on full display. I knew this was all instinctual Damons Power rising to the surface as short as hed felt the attack. I had learned this about our kind in the past few weeks Our author led us to do things before we even knew we were doing them. Despite Damons external weakness, his Power was still intact.The lion leaped again, and Damon went low, ducking under the claws and plan of attack up at just the right moment to dig his hands into the lions neck. But the lion tossed Damon free he rolling to a stop only when he slammed into the gateway surrounding the ring.Damon let out other moan and lay on the ground. The lion began to stalk oer to claim his kill.The crowd went wild, friends hitting one another in the arm and clawing at the air as though they themselves were in the fight.One of the handlers positioned along the sidelines poked at Damon, clearly to get him moving. Damon swung without looking, knocking the man into the stands. As the handler struggled to get up, two nearby customers throw in the toweled him in the gut and then dropped him everyplace the back kick to the dirt below, out of sight.Damon paid no respect to the scuffle and go deeper into the ring, letting the lion lento circle him.After a long silence, Damon let out a feral growl and ran toward the lion. The lion roared in response and charged, but this time Damon stepped aside, and when the lion missed him, Damon hooked an arm up under the lions neck. With strength no one seemed to expect, Damon threw the lion onto its back. He was about to dive on top and go in for the kill when the lion kicked up and hatch a claw right through Damons arm.The lion swatted its paw around, swinging Damon through the air give care a fly on a fishing line. At last, the flesh gave way and Damon, with a red arc of blood trailing behind him, shot up through the air, then land ed with a thud even I couldnt hear oer the hellish roar of the celebrating crowd.Damon struggled to his feet, holding the wounded arm in place with the other. He wasnt healing as quickly as vampires usually doI wondered if the vervain had dampened that Power.He inevitable blood, that much was clear. His survival instincts and the attendant adrenalin were waning. I was about to bucket along forward into the ring, with the stout man in face up of me as an offering to my brother, when a warm hand fell on my arm.Callie.Its horrible, she said. Her knuckles had gone(a) white around clumps of her dress. Her lips hung loose and trembled. I cant observation post this barbarism much longer.Then tell your come to stop it, I hissed.The stomping on the wooden stands was plectron up in speed and along with the go heartbeats of the people. The splotches of blood in the sawdust werent enough to satisfy themthey needed to see a death.Now Damon was padding around the mountain lion, as the ani mal hunched, coiled, in the magnetic core of the ring, moving as little as practicable while following Damon with its reflective eyes. Suddenly, Damon took off, moving at a blurred speed around the lion so that the animal had to rapidly turn and turn, as though chasing its own tail.A quiet came over the crowd, and only the heavy panting of Damon and the mountain lion echoed under the canvas of the tent. Damon circled his prey, moving faster than the lion could comprehend.The crowd gasped as Damon slanted toward the mountain lion, and before the beast could tell which direction he was coming from, Damon dove on the muscle behind the lions head. He bit in and held on, letting the lion kick and flip wildly.Callie clutched my arm. My eyes were riveted on the scene, and my body was prime to run to the cage should I need to intervene.The mountain lion was slowing. Each time it bucked, more blood appeared in the sawdust in little red rivers. Its left hind leg was looking weak now wobblin g, it started to flop toward the ground. Damon unlatched his fangs and reared back, ready to go for the stain in the cats neck.Just then, the cat flailed its hindquarters and threw Damon free. As Damon tried to recover his feet, the mountain lion moved in and wrapped its jaws around his side.The crowd gasped again, then began to boo.Fight, I urged with every fiber of my being, clenching my fists at my sides.Damon had gone limp and was being flung around like an old slipper in a dogs mouth. The lion tossed Damon to the ground, then pulled its head back and opened all-inclusive. But just as the animal dove forward, Damon rolled away. He drove his shoulder into the confused beasts side, bowling it over and exposing the short white hairs on its throat.Damon tore into the venous blood vessel with his fangs. The mountain lion twitched its way to stillness as a puddle of blood became larger and bigger until it was a great lake of blood within the struggle ring. At its center was my br other, kneeling over a dead mountain lion.He stood and stumbled backward a step. He looked up into the crowd with a wide smile on his face, his fangs out and his whole face and front dripping with blood. The crowd cheered and booed in satisfactory measure, and Damon just turned in a minuscular circle, occasionally licking his lips.Gallagher clapped his fat hands together. The ones whod make money jumped and hugged one another. The ones whod lost threw hats to the ground or stared blankly ahead.I leaped forward, trying to push my way to my brother, but the handlers had already moved in, stakes and vervain-laced nets in hand. Damon was clearly drunk on such a massive feed after not have for so long and didnt seem to notice them. before I could even shout a warning, the men wrapped him in nets and began dragging him out of the arena. nonetheless at my fastest, I couldnt get past the crowd that had filled in behind them and now obstruct the entire way. All of the revelers, hooting and slobbering, stood between me and the exit, and by the time I pushed and shoved my way out, the wagon was careening out of the fairgrounds.A whip cracked. Hooves beat the ground. And just like that, Damon was gone.